Review Ramada Resort Kranjska Gora - ex. hotel Larix - free wifi in rooms, good food, location, reviews - guest opinion |

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6.6 / 10
name barming
date 2016-08-17 07:41:54
Type of accommodation
commendations free wifi in rooms, good food, location
complaints small rooms, very small bathroom, no air-condition at rooms, old furniture, using pool coast extra money, no free drinking even no free tap water on dinner, small towels, no service room to replace towel same day if it is dirty or wet, lots of rooms direct towards the street and not to the wonderful mountain nearby
your advice to other travelers find out what other hotels in the same area has to offer against above issues and coasting. accordingly make your descision if to take this hotel or select another one
service 4
value for money 7
sleeping 7
cleanliness 7
location 8.5
rooms 5.5
food 8.5
personnel 5.5
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