Hotel Arena , recensioni |

Analisi del punteggio

Punteggio Totale dell'Hotel:

Molto buono,
(Valutazione 3 ospiti)

Punteggio per categoria

servizio 8.5
rapporto qualità prezzo 8.5
dormire 9.5
pulizia 9.5
posizione 9.5
camere 8.5
vitto 7
personale 8.5

Popolare per

Affari 0
Coppie 1
Famiglie 2
Amici 0
Viaggiatore singolo

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Recensioni degli ospiti

Dr. Gaál A. 7800 Siklós Magyarország 2019-03-18
A személyzet segítőkész.
Az éttermi szolgáltatás színvonala tavaly óta romlott. A szobákra ráférne egy felújítás.

Krisztian V. Orlando United Stated of America 2019-03-12
Hotel Arena is in perfect location at the bottom of a 2 seater ski lift,wicht could use some upgrade. The rooms where very clean and comfortable everything you need for a hotel stay.
The ski lockers r in the basement you have to climb a floor of stairs to get out it could be easier,every time we went to the hotels restaurant it was really cold inside 10c(60F), and maybe that’s why the food where not warm enough. Hotel has a very nice wellness, unfortunately couldn’t use it,because you need to be naked to go in the hot tub,wich is ridiculous.
Hotel Arena good location,stayed many times in Maribor it was the worst experience.

I. Salvezani Split Hrvatska 2018-02-25
Volimo ovaj hotel! Odmah je u podnožju staze pa tako ujutro za doručkom imate predivan pogled na stazu i skijaše kako se spuštaju... Odličan doručak-dobar izbor kolača i voća. Hotel nije velik pa nemate osjećaj neke gužve...Oko hotela ima parking i uvijek se nađe mjesto. Isto tako u par minuta hoda od hotela je start gondole koja vas vozi do skijaških staza.... Dobar je SPA koji radi do 10pm.
Slobodno ga možemo preporučiti!

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